
Final project of Dexter!
still working on but here's it for now
BEEWOMEN!!!!!!!! I made her walking with her babies on a street. The background isn't that detailed because I didn't want to take away from her kids.
EDITED Logo project I picked to make a logo for my lake that I lifeguard at over the summer! The lake is called Cupsaw Lake and the colors of the lake are green brown and yellow, so thats why I chose green letters outlined with brown, and a light light yellow back ground. I also added a sail boat that I recreated on illustrator using a picture that I took myself last summer. This was my original logo, but I realized that when you zoomed in it was still very blurry, so I remade the logo much bigger. Here's the new and improved logo:  Here's a picture of the boat I tried to recreate
Coding project html <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <script> window.onload = function() { var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); ////////////////////////////////////// start below this line ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ //background context.beginPath(); context.rect(100, 100, 600, 350); context.fillStyle = '#ED008C'; context.fill(); //white circle context.beginPath(); context.arc(400, 250, 100, 0, 2*Math.PI, true);  //context.arc(centerx, centery, radius, starting angle, ending angle, counter clockwise?); context.strokeStyle = '#FFFFFF' context.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF' context.stroke(); context.fill(); //black line F context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(350,220); context.lineTo(380,220); context.lineWidth = 4 context.strokeStyle = '#000000'; context.lineCap = "round"; context.stroke(); //black line F context.beginP...
Hi my name is Madison Burgner and I'm a freshman at UT! I'm from Ringwood, New Jersey and my major is marketing. I like to find new places and take pictures! Today, (January 20th) I actually had a really great day and took some cool pictures with my friends! I'm looking forward to learning more about digital media and seeing if digital media is something I would enjoy minoring in. :)